Storefront Votes
September 16, 2020 @ 12:00PM — November 3, 2020 @ 11:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Join Storefront Theatre in a get-out-the-vote event in October 2020!

Join Storefront Theatre in a get-out-the-vote event in October 2020! Your sponsorship helps support local artists and a progressive theatre blazing a trail in the Indianapolis arts scene. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Storefront Theatre of Indianapolis is producing a get out the vote/fundraiser event in October 2020. Directed by Chelsea Anderson, five local and locally-connected playwrights will write 90-second or less political monologues of their choosing. Actors will present each piece solo flash mob style in Indianapolis neighborhoods with low voter turnout records (at appropriate distances for health and safety).
The performances will be live streamed on Storefront Theatre social media accounts on four dates in October ahead of the presidential election Nov. 3rd. The performer and camera person will pass out voter registration and how to vote details to passersby.
1. Choose your sponsorship level
◊ $100 – Registered Voter
Funding supports voter registration materials and videographer for live streams Sponsor receives name recognition on social media event webpage
◊ $250 – City Councilor
Funding supports the above and director Chelsea Anderson
Sponsor receives the above and name recognition on marketing materials
◊ $500 – State Representative
Funding supports the above and a local playwright
Sponsor receives the above and a $50 Storefront gift card
◊ $750 – Senate Majority Leader
Funding supports the above and a local actor
Sponsor receives the above and a private tour of Storefront Theatre
◊ $1000 – President
Funding supports the above and the Storefront legacy
Sponsor receives the above and a virtual cocktail party for 6 guests with 1980 cast and production team
2. Choose your payment option
◊ Online donation at
◊ Pay by check made out to Storefront Theatre mailed to Storefront Theatre, 717 Broadripple Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220
3. Get Out the Vote!
◊ Encourage friends and family to follow Storefront Theatre on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and tune into the Storefront Votes live streams events in October
◊ Research your voting options at ◊ Vote early by mail, in person at early voter locations, or on Nov. 3rd at your local polling place
◊ If you are so inclined, volunteer to be a poll worker!